Please complete the form if:

You are over 18 years of age

You are a Muslim widow, widower or divorcee

You require support with your needs

After receiving your Support registration form and payment of CAD$25, we shall contact you to formulate a plan

We understand that a major life transition such as divorce or bereavement can have a heavy impact on individuals. NSL aims to support its community members by partnering with them to identify their needs, offer options and join them on their path to empowerment. We do this through providing resources, information and referrals as necessary.

If you would like to discuss your current needs, in confidence, please complete the application below. Due to the holistic approach we take, the questions are designed to form as complete a picture as possible in order that we can best serve you.

I have read the Terms and Conditions and will abide by them

Price: $25.00

If you are also wanting to FIND A SPOUSE, please do not forget to fill out the Find a Spouse Form to inform us about yourself and your preferences